I work with clients to create financial plans designed to lead to a comfortable retirement. In retirement, I help them achieve the most tax efficient way to draw down savings. Estate planning is something I discuss with all my families as we provide insight into how to provide your loved ones with as much of your estate as possible. This simply means, pay less tax or fees after you die.

I have a special interest in helping families who have a child with a disability. I have personal experience with this and am happy to help people navigate the RDSP application process and manage their investments. In addition to the RDSP, steps like a qualified disability trust, Henson Trust or specialized estate planning may be part of a conversation when it comes to disability. Families often don't work together to ensure the future planning is complete. We find that outcomes are better when all generations of a family unit are educated and work together. Often, well meaning grandparents provide funds to a disabled child, disqualifying them from provincial benefits like ODSP. It doesn't have to be this way. Set up a meeting with us.



While we do follow a general formula for onboarding and serving clients, the fact is, it never looks the same for any one client. This is what makes CSR Wealth so valuable to our clients; everyone receives the specialized service they need.