Exchange-Traded Funds or ETF

Through our investment partners, we offer access to Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs. ETFs have become much more popular as investment vehicles, since they typically have lower fees associated with them. Through a conversation with a portfolio manager, our clients have the opportunity to share their savings goals, ensuring their investments match their risk tolerance and timelines.



GICs or Guaranteed Investment Certificate

CSR Wealth Management is pleased to offer access to high rate GICs through CASHiQ, a simple and secure digital investment platform. This provides our clients, who like the security of GICs as a part of their portfolio, the benefit of managing all of their investments in one place and one person to call –Frank Gasper - with all of their questions.

Current GIC rates:

1 yr   3.42%

2 yrs 3.65%

3 yrs 3.90%

4 yrs 3.90%

5 yrs 4.00%


***NOTE the above rates need to stay up to date.  Cash IQ has provided HTML code***



Mutual Funds

Some clients prefer to invest in mutual funds for their own personal reasons. While we are predominantly using ETFs, we do offer clients access to mutual fund investments when requested.  Our goal is to make sure clients can invest the way they want to, while still enjoying the benefit of honest advice and financial planning, all in one place.